Bougainvillea Mini Standard
Bougainvillea Mini Standard
Bougainvillea Mini Standard Thumb
7437_500_025032_Bougainvillea_Standard_300.jpg Thumb

Bougainvillea Mini Standard


Plant Description:

Bougainvillea Mini Standard is a stunning tropical plant. It produces brightly coloured brachts throughour the summer and is perfect for growing in a warm greenhouse or conservatory.

It can be grown in a pot in the garden but must be protected from frost to survive our winter climate.


Requires Full Sun

Increase watering frequency from Febriuary or March as new growth starts to aappear as temperatures increase.

To over-winter ideally place in a heated greenhouse and water less frequently.

If re-potting do so in Spring with a loam compost

Only place containers outside once night temperature above 18 degrees.

Feed weekly in summer and stop in the winter.

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