Callistemon Standard (Bottlebrush)
Callistemon 1/4 Standard (Bottle-Brush)
Callistemon 1/4 Standard (Bottle-Brush) Thumb
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Callistemon 1/4 Standard (Bottle-Brush)


Plant Description:

Callistemon Standard (Bottle-Brush)  is an evergreen shrub with distinctive red bottle-brush flowers in spring and summer. Flower buds are silvery and flowering is followed by hard cylindrical seed-pods.

Size: 2m Height Spread: 1.5m 3-4 Litre Pot

Position: Plant in moist but free-draining fertile soil in full sun avoiding chalky soils. Choose a sheltered position.

Please click on the thumbnail below to view a true image of the standard size and quality of plant you will receive.

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