Cordyline Australis Pink Stripe (Cabbage Palm) 7.5Ltr
Cordyline Australis Pink Stripe (Cabbage Palm) 7.5Ltr
Cordyline Australis Pink Stripe (Cabbage Palm) 7.5Ltr Thumb
2406_cordypinkstripepg75500.png Thumb

Cordyline Australis Pink Stripe (Cabbage Palm) 7.5Ltr


Plant Description:

Cordyline Australis Pink Stripe (Cabbage Palm) is an exotic evergreen foliage plant with arching sword-like leaves with conspicuous pink stripes. It is ideal for gardens and patio containers.

Size: 1.2mtr height Spread: 1.5mtr 7.5Ltr Pot

Position: Full sun or partial shade

Please click on the thumbnail below to view a true image of the standard size and quality of plant you will receive.

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