Cheap Portuguese Laurel Lollipop Tree : Cheap Prunus Lusitanica Half Standard : Cheap Topiary

For Landscape enquiries please call 01279 792869 for a full quote

Prunus Lusitanica (Portuguese Laurel) 1/2 Standard 70cm-80cm 30Ltr


Prunus Lusitanica (Portuguese Laurel) 1/2 Standard is an attractive evergreen standard shrub. It's yound leaves are tinged with red and grow from red stems as the leaves mature they turn to a glossy dark green. It has small white flowers in early summer that are a followed by dark purple fruits that ripen to black.

Size: 70-80cm height Spread: 40-50cm 30Ltr Pot

Position: Full sun or partial shade

Please click on the thumbnail below to view a true image of the standard size and quality of plant you will receive

